It was an excellent article, and a surprising one considering the usual prudence of the Globe. The article was all about how there is a lot of sex going on between athletes during the Olympics. I thought to myself,
"Hell yeah!"

Think about it! Thousands of gorgeous, fit, flexible,young, taught athletes, all in the same city at once? Shit, that sounds about right to me. And why not? Athletes get turned on just like everybody else, if not more. If it's not from all the endorphins from exercising so much, it's probably from watching guys and girls walking around in tight-ass spandex. Apparently it happens more in the second half of the games, when most of the competitors have finished their events, are done stressing out, and are just looking to burn off a couple before going home.
I also bet that certain events spawn more sex that others.
Such as, ohhh, gymnastics? (as seen in exhibit A)
exhibit A.
You'd be a damn fool not to.
I also wonder if there's ever been any huge sex scandals throughout Olympic history. I'll give you an example.
For those of you who may not know who Michael Phelps is, you've probably been extradited to an overseas prisoner of war camp. Phelps has currently earned six gold medals in swimming this summer, with two more events on the way, and needs to be stopped.
I wonder if there are any sex-related plans of sabotage in the works to put an end to Phelps' winning streak. Is it totally unrealistic to stage a sexual encounter with a cute little Swedish number, who could either inject Phelps with steroids (stripping him of all his medals), or cause some other form of damage? Maybe the girl could cramp up his feet. You know that feeling you get when you're swimming for too long and your foot cramps up? Ah, that probably wouldn't work. He'd probably hit her with all of his gold medals, which he probably hangs from his boner.
Either way, it was an excellent article. I'm sure it's on The Globe's website.
I read this article as well and was astonished by how many condoms they have provided the athletes this year....
12,000 athletes.
Consider about half of those are men.
Up the number a bit,
Let's say 8,000 men.
I shared this astonishment with a male customer I lunch with once a week. He said that some probably fell out of their pockets and to this I giggled.
That would be a lot of condoms on the street.
I may have also said to him that these men were having more sex in a month than he most likely has had in the past two years,
He blushed.
Good article though....
It's also interesting to consider what types of condoms were used as well. Do swimmers still use lubricated ones?
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