I just printed everything I've written over the past year.
It's 57 pages and over 27,000 words.
It's actually quite liberating to have that much written material in your hands.
I think over the break I'll read and re-evaluate key points and questions, and maybe use those towards something bigger and more concise. Because, if I were to go back and elaborate on most of the ideas and questions presented, the number of pages could have doubled.
I'd love for some other writers out there to try the same, and maybe an exchange could be made.
It's 57 pages and over 27,000 words.
It's actually quite liberating to have that much written material in your hands.
I think over the break I'll read and re-evaluate key points and questions, and maybe use those towards something bigger and more concise. Because, if I were to go back and elaborate on most of the ideas and questions presented, the number of pages could have doubled.
I'd love for some other writers out there to try the same, and maybe an exchange could be made.
1 comment:
Amaaazing idea!
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