So! Here it goes again. Just a few jots on things, nothing elaborate.

. Bike and I were out for dinner the other night with my
mom and aunt. They were in town to see the Sound of Music play at the Princess of Whales theatre. The funny thing was, there was a mix-up in their ticket arrangements and were on their way to seeing it for the second time. At this point, they offered us the tickets and we readily accepted.
The interesting thing about the story is that we were both half in the bag from dinner. This was mostly due to the Milestones gigantic pints and from not eating nearly all day. So before we went to the show we came back to our place and drank a couple more and made our way. During intermission, we grabbed a couple more beers, to which we found out that your can actually take them into the theatre and enjoy it during the show. During the second half of the show, I found it so hilarious just sitting next to this nice old couple, enjoying a beer as if it were a football game. I then jokingly turned to Bike during Edelweiss and mouthed "FUCK YEAAAH!!!" and shook my beer as if a touchdown had just happened. You kinda had to be there.
. I sold a painting yesterday to a gentleman named Don and his wife Susan. They were incredibly nice and I am happy to see the piece go to them. Again, super thanks goes to Mickey for being such a huge help in the process. Also, if you're in town you should go see John Chau's work at Vdara for the month of February. The opening last night was awesome and his work is literally in another realm, and it was good to see Eugene.
The image below was taken from the National Post a couple weeks ago when they reviewed Vdara. That's one of my paintings on the wall, behind Mani. They mentioned "paintings of the tundra" in the article, which was rad.

. Before the final sale of yesterdays piece, I experienced a pretty wonderful bout of anxiety while walking the streets. To be honest, those situations make me quite frantic and nervous. Some buyers can be so scatter-headed that any specific comments or details can sway a decision greatly in any direction. I nearly vomited on Spadina Ave. and could feel my body wanting to pass out at any moment. This was either caused by too much anxiety, walking for almost 4 hours, too much sun (it's been beautiful here), or too little food. Probably all of that together.
. Today I'm going to paint, make a Guinness beef stew, and listen to The Wooden Sky. Life is good.
. There's a new Talkin' Schmidt coming out soon about the Crazy Horse National Monument.
. The days are getting longer. Isn't that great? Yeah, it's great.
. I'm considering doing podcasts instead of lengthy, wordy posts. I know personally that I'd rather listen to somebody's rants than read them. Plus, I like to crack jokes a lot and it comes across easier when in vocal form. For instance, Jenna's sweet blog currently has a clip up of us talking about the Mint. I think it's funny shit.
. I'll think of something cool to say later.
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