Coming off of one of the most radical and complicated years of my life, I am in the mood for setting radical goals for myself. One being, is a springboard that stems from one of my all time largest fears: bad news.
If I sense the smallest bit of disappointment coming my way, I avoid it and shove it to the back of my mind, right about where the Savage Garden lyrics sit. So I've decided to grab life by the nuts and face this fear. Procrastination is another good one, but that comes with the fear of bad news. I've decided to punch myself in the head every time I catch myself consciously putting off something important. Well, maybe not in the head, but something. Aside from those majors, I've set forth a bunch of miniature goals as well, but those are for me to know. But enough about my babying, I should also mention that I had an excellent 2008 and look back with some pretty great feelings.
Something else happened a year ago exactly that I'll never forget. I was out with some friends in Nathan Phillips Square here in Toronto, waiting for the fireworks to ignite and plowing through the thousands of people that fill the square every year. There was a large group of us, so we took the beads off our christmas tree and made, basically, an idiot rope for us to all hang on to.
Moving along, I ended up meeting this paraplegic guy who was trying to enjoy the night. We ended up talking for a while but I could see his head was really cold from all the snow, so I decided to give him my toque. Later, during the fireworks, this group of guys were passing this huge holiday joint around and some of us decided to smoke it. At that point, I offered some to my wheeled friend and he totally accepted. So there we were: freezing our cans off, attached to a glitzy rope, watching the fireworks and embracing, and spoon-feeding a paraplegic a massive bud.
I said, then and there, that this was to be the funniest story of 2008 (only minutes after the bell had struck twelve), and I concluded last night that it really was. Hopefully I'll see this man later tonight.
So friends, from me to you, have a great night and enjoy whats left of the year. I had a good year, and the economic recession was probably one of the highlites. Seeing suicidal Wall St. dicks flood the front page of every newpaper for almost a year put a true smile on my face, because when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose. Don't forget your toque either.