A while back during tour, I was going to write a post on the delicate procedure of packing a van full of equipment. There is seriously a fine art to the entire ordeal. The MuteMath boys explain it best.
Those guys are big enough to have a real trailer. My band, on the other hand, gladly tour in a minivan. When I was a kid I did a lot of grocery shopping with my dad. One of my favorite parts (aside from using Loeb's Cookie Club membership) was putting all the items on to the conveyor belt at checkout. I was so good at finding places to put items, and still am to this day. I could probably fit an entire grocery cart on one reel of belt. It was all about shapes.
Same thing goes for trailers. Everything just seems to find it's place over time. And the longer you tour, the easier it is to fit everything. We actually had more space in the van than when we started the tour, despite collecting things along the way.
However much credit I lend myself as a packer, I have to hand it to Darcy. On top of being freakishly strong (due to either leverage or his Grandfather, Gumby), that guy can pack.
Same thing goes for trailers. Everything just seems to find it's place over time. And the longer you tour, the easier it is to fit everything. We actually had more space in the van than when we started the tour, despite collecting things along the way.
However much credit I lend myself as a packer, I have to hand it to Darcy. On top of being freakishly strong (due to either leverage or his Grandfather, Gumby), that guy can pack.
1 comment:
It's funny you mention grocery shopping with Dad because just today I prided myself on my amazing conveyor belt loading skills as well as lecturing a friend on the importance of a bag's placement in the cart. Bread/chips/cookies on top, everything else below.
P.s. I miss my cookie club memebership too.
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