The polls are in!
My beard currently sits at 70% positivity rate, up from it's previous 45% in London, Ontario.
You see, I don't think the masses of London know what beards are all about yet, because it's been getting great reviews here in Toronto. Words like "becoming" and "masculine" have been drawn from numerous compliments from friends and strangers alike.
I apologize if this beard has been getting too much attention on this blog as of lately, it's just that it's a big deal to me. This is the first beard I've ever had. I've been dreaming of these days since grade 9, sitting in the cafeteria looking at my friends beards, dreaming of hairier days. Dan and I talk about beards for at least an hour a day, every day. They're fascinating to me, and I'm taking my first baby steps at it....
...and still growing strong. To grow or not to grow? That is the question.
East and Bike
I actually like it now that its grown in more, keep it. Just maintain it so its not all scraggly and hobo-like.
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